
Cannabis Technology

Cannabis Technology transforms the way we live our lives. This much has been made very clear by the COVID-19 pandemic. Schools, clinics, shops, and even restaurants have transitioned to online communication. Leaps and bounds were done by medical companies in the race to produce (and then distribute) vaccines.

The world has coped amazingly, but it would have been completely different if the pandemic had hit ten years earlier. Technology revolutionizes agriculture as well – and it is vital in the rise of the Cannabis business.

Cannabis sativa has been around for 10,000 years. People have cultivated it for its medicinal and industrial purposes. The first recorded mention of cannabis as a medicinal plant was in 1783 by scientists Laurentius Crellius and Huntero.

A paper published in 1843 recorded it being used in patients with cholera, tetanus, and hydrophobia. It’s safe to say that cannabis was a well-known and widely-used herbal treatment in the past. However, in the 1990s, cannabis was categorized as a narcotic, limiting its sale and distribution to the public. It was outlawed in 1936 during the Geneva Trafficking Convention, making it illegal for cultivation, possession, and sale.

Fast forward almost a hundred years later and we now find ourselves in the era of rebirth. As of July 2022, 38 states have legalized the use of marijuana for medical purposes and 19 have legalized recreational cannabis.

Cannabis and Technology

cannabis technology

The current laws have provided more modern methods of cultivation and the use of technology for the advancement of cannabis as a profitable market venture. Below are some current innovations in cannabis farming:

DNA Technology

Cannabis sativa contains chemicals known as cannabinoids, which affect the way your body sends and receives signals from neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers. They affect your response to pain, perception, mood, sleep, and many more. The two main cannabinoids found in cannabis plants are THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol). Different strains of cannabis can contain more or less of either cannabinoid.

THC is known as the more psychoactive compound. It often helps to relieve pain and stimulate the appetite, but can also cause anxiety and paranoia in some people. CBD is more predominantly used for medical reasons as it helps to decrease pain, anxiety, nausea, and insomnia.

Scientists are currently studying how to alter a plant’s genetic makeup to influence how much CBD or THC it produces. Agriculturists have been using genetic modifying techniques for years in order to produce better quality crops. Now, scientists can use CRISPR technology to yield faster and more controlled results. Unlike GMO crops, CRISPR alters the plant’s DNA without introducing foreign plant DNA. The goal of modifying plant genes is to reduce its susceptibility to disease, make it faster and easier to grow, and control the percentage of actives it produces.

Crop Steering

Cannabis plants regulate their own growth through hormones, which are released when the plants are exposed to external stress. This hormone system works like a feedback cascade and can directly affect how many flowers versus leaves and stems are produced.

When the plant produces more flowers, it is in generative growth, whereas if it produces more stems and leaves, it is in vegetative growth. More summery (hot and dry) weather conditions can stimulate the former while milder weather conditions promote the latter.

Crop steering takes advantage of this response by manipulating the plants’ environment. Though the goal of plant breeders should be to strike a balance between both types of growth, they can influence the plants to go either way, depending on their end goals.

Customized Cannabis Experience

Many people that try marijuana will write it off because of bad experiences. Usually, it’s caused by unpleasant effects on the mood or sensory disturbances. But what they might not know is that there are so many strains of cannabis with varying concentrations of active compounds.

Text Box: Race, genetic makeup, health conditions, and even past experiences can shape the way we experience cannabis individually.Both CBD and THC affect everyone differently due to factors such as race, genetic makeup, health conditions, and past experiences. This is not necessarily a bad thing. Some companies offer services to analyze your DNA and match you with the best cannabis strains available. It works just like any saliva swab test. The companies analyze your genetic markers to understand your sensitivities, predispositions, and preferences. Unlike zodiac signs, this is actual science based on your own DNA.

People who are wary of trying marijuana may want to try this matching technology to avoid any unpleasant reactions that may cause them to dismiss something that could truly help them manage their health conditions. It can also help to break the stigma against marijuana and open people up to trying it for themselves.

Opportunities for Growth

The evolution of cannabis has come a long way. From common medicinal plant to an illegal substance to an edible gummy. Cannabis has given hope and new perspectives to so many people suffering from pain, insomnia, anxiety, and other health conditions. But much more than that, it can now also give people the opportunity to build a name for themselves in the farming industry.

Get to Know Industrial Green Solution

The cannabis movement is finally here to stay. This is not an overnight “wonder drug” or “one-time remedy,” but a scientifically-backed, ancient medicinal herb with numerous health benefits and low risk of side effects. It’s the pain management pill and anti-anxiety drug that we all deserve.

At Industrial Green Solution, we believe that every customer deserves only the best product for their medical treatment and recreational use. We make sure that our raw materials are top-quality and we also provide you access to experts that you can consult regarding your farming methods. Our experts will help you build a custom plan fit for your goals and resources. Your success means our success – so we do everything we can to set you up for perfection.

To say that cannabis is a promising industry is an understatement. It’s literally the new gold rush and we want you to be a part of it! Don’t waste your time and resources with haphazard farming methods. Contact us today and let’s start building your dreams.





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