
Medical Cannabis Has Revolutionized The Way Many People Manage Their Pain

Medical cannabis has revolutionized the way many people manage their pain. A natural painkiller that you can just grow, harvest, and bake into your brownies – that’s the dream right there. Though the regulation of cannabis has gone through its fair share of hurdles, medical marijuana is now legal in 38 states.
This gives patients better access to ready-made cannabis products or quality plants to infuse anywhere they prefer. But all the options still leave many people confused. Are all cannabis plants the same? Can you just cook them however you like? Can you use an ordinary kitchen appliance?
The answer to all of these questions is “no, definitely not.” Many cannabis plants are grown with pesticides or in poor soil conditions, leading to low-quality products. This was something that Shanel Lindsay, the CEO and founder of Ardent, realized early on.

Who Is Shanel Lindsay?
Shanel Lindsay started taking cannabis to manage her pain. When she was 17, she used it for a cyst that she had gotten drained. She developed a post-partum ovarian cyst two years later, after giving birth to her son. Medical marijuana was still a dream at the time, and top-quality recreational marijuana was hard to procure.
Lindsay’s doctor prescribed her with high-dose acetaminophen, but she was very hesitant to keep taking it because of its harmful effects on the liver. Lindsay preferred not to take the drug once she read a medical report stating that it caused one in three liver failures in the country.
Acetaminophen is a common analgesic with a high safety rating. However, it is also known as the United States’ top cause of acute liver failure.
Medical marijuana certainly is not completely without side effects, but many patients vastly prefer the occasional lightheadedness to liver injury. Shanel Lindsay, a young mother with a budding career in law, believed that the advantages of medical cannabis outweighed its potential disadvantages.
This was in the early days before the legalization and acceptance of marijuana. In 2009, Lindsay was arrested in Massachusetts after a police officer found some marijuana in her purse. Fortunately, she was only carrying less than an ounce, so she was not charged.
Still, the whole ordeal of being arrested was traumatizing enough for the young lawyer to push for the legalization of marijuana in her state. The fight for decriminalization went on for several years until, finally, in 2016, Massachusetts declared cannabis legal to grow and possess.
Great news! But what’s the next step from there?

Marijuana: Legal and Accessible
Moving forward, it became important for Lindsay to find good quality, organically-grown marijuana. Her years of research on the subject told her that the quality and concentration of actives can differ in various strains of cannabis. Equally important was her quest for the perfect method to activate her cannabis. Lindsay observed that it could be tricky to cook cannabis properly, even for seasoned users. Because of this, people might end up destroying the active compounds or not extracting enough.
After years of growing her own batches, testing different strains, and trying various cooking methods, Lindsay developed the Ardent Nova in 2016. The Nova is the original all-in-one decarboxylator, infuser, and cooking device specifically made for cannabis. Decarboxylation is the process of heating cannabis and activating its THC and CBD content.
CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) are naturally found in the Cannabis family. Both compounds influence the way your brain releases neurotransmitters, which are your natural chemical messengers. Neurotransmitters are essential for numerous bodily processes, such as sleep, stress response, immune function, hunger, and pain.
What Is the Difference between THC and CBD?
THC is the psychoactive compound that causes the “high” popular among recreational marijuana users. CBD produces less of a stimulating effect. It is medically used to manage insomnia, depression, pain, and seizures. Not all Cannabis carries the same amounts of THC and CBD. Certain strains have higher amounts of one or the other. Hemp typically contains more CBD and only around 0.3% of THC, whereas marijuana has more THC.
How Does the Ardent Nova Work?
Lindsay knew that in order to extract the best actives from your cannabis, it has to be heated in a certain way for a specific amount of time. Over or under-cooking your source would result in a low-quality product. This is not an option for people who are literally using cannabis as their medicine.
The Ardent Nova maintains the adequate temperature that you need to unlock your CBD and THC. It undergoes a cycle of heating and cooling over an hour and forty-five minutes or less. The raw materials (flowers, kief, and concentrates) may darken after the process, but that’s pretty much all you will visibly notice.
Once the procedure is done, you just take out your decarboxylated material and sprinkle it into your cookie dough, ice cream, or even infuse it into oils and butter. You can even bake or infuse directly using the Nova after your decarboxylation cycle.

Enter Industrial Green Solution
Just like Shanel Lindsay, we at Industrial Green Solution want to make good quality cannabis accessible for everyone. We understand how important it is to meet and even exceed our customers’ expectations. This is why we provide you only the best equipment right from the start. You will also be able to consult our trained experts to help you plan out how to grow your cannabis empire.
Contact us today to begin building the best business plan for you. Your success is our success, so no matter how big or small you want to scale your operations, we’ll be right there to support you.

With inventions like the Ardent Nova, it is now much easier to incorporate cannabis into your lifestyle. Caretakers will have an easier time preparing cannabis-infused meals for their patients. Likewise, recreational users can explore more exciting recipes. It’s a new era and we are positioned right in the middle of this golden revolution. Together, let’s seize this opportunity to make people’s lives better, greener, and more carefree.


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